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Foundation Degree Learning and Teaching and BA Learning and Teaching information evening

Foundation Degree Learning and Teaching and BA Learning and Teaching information evening



Wednesday 26th March between 5.30-6.30pm

An opportunity to find out more about both work-based pathways offered as part of the newly validated Foundation Degree Learning and Teaching as well as the newly validated SEN/DIP pathway for practitioners working in alternative provisions with children and young people. There will also be some discussion regarding progression opportunities on to our BA top-up in Learning and Teaching


Detailed Description

Our information event is tailored for those who have applied, are applying or are interested to know more about our Foundation Degree in Learning and Teaching and Foundation Degree in Learning and Teaching (SEN/DIP pathway). This course is work based and requires attendance one day a work whilst you are working or volunteering in schools and other alternative provisions for children and young people. During this information evening you will gain more of a understanding of the commitment required, the course structure, meet some of the lecturers and ask questions regarding how to best prepare for studying at the University of Northampton. There will be discussions around how to apply for the BA top-up in Learning and Teaching and opportunities for career progression into teaching and other affiliated graduate routes. 

There will be a Q&A afterwards.

How would you rate your experience today?

How can we contact you?

What could we do better?

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