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PCUKP Face to Face February 2025

PCUKP Face to Face February 2025



Attendance at PCUKP Face to Face training, 6th February 2025 09:00 – 16:00



Detailed Description

Join us for a workshop designed to help support you prepare

candidates to undertake the TOC21 OSCE

Workshops are generally suitable for:

u  Practice Educators supporting Internationally recruited nurses and midwives,

u  International recruitment leads (organisational or regional level),

u  Colleagues supporting Internationally recruited nurses and midwives through pastoral care and OSCE development programmes,

u  Anyone wishing to meet and network with people who are involved in OSCE training.

Find out ways to

u  Support candidates to develop resilience during their journey through the test of competence,

u  Apply the educational theory and key principles of simulated based OSCE education,

u  Design your own OSCE training programme to prepare your OSCE candidates,

u  Enable you to discuss your concerns and questions about the exams.

This workshop will include:

u  Sit your own mock OSCE station with a live actor in a real exam room!

u  Use your experience to improve your training materials

u  Suitable for clinically qualified trainers

u  Tour of Competence Testing Centre

u  Attendance certificate (6 hours)

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