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Verification Letters & Forms

Verification Letters & Forms


We use electronic stamps and an electronic signature to authenticate documents.


If you require your documents to be sent to a third party, please provide us with their email address. We will send the completed verification directly from our university email address which will add to the authenticity.


Please purchase this option if you require a formal verification letter or form to be completed to confirm an award. 

This includes:

- All verification letter requests from former students

- Any forms confirming an award for third parties, whether requested by the student or third party directly

- All third party letter requests and form completion (with consent from the former student)


- An Embassy requesting information regarding awards or to authenticate documents can do so by emailing [email protected] with consent from the student

- For World Education Services (WES) Requests there is a dedicated option on the online shop which will cover all requirements to complete the request

Reference letter requests: if you require a reference letter confirming student status (i.e. course title, start/end dates, award title) please complete the general letter request form here.  If you have any queries regarding reference letters, please contact the Student Information desk ([email protected]).

Commission on Graduates of Foreign Nursing Schools (CGFNS) evaluation requests should contact [email protected] prior to purchasing a verification or certified copies


Please note:

- Verification letters and forms will take up to 4 working weeks to be processed.

- We cannot guarantee the confirmation of awards conferred prior to September 2005 due to limitations in the records we hold. If we are unable to fulfil an order we will ensure that a refund is provided in full.

Once you have completed your order, please email any forms for completion, consent forms or relevant information which cannot be included on the order form to [email protected]


Please ensure you order the correct option, depending on the method of delivery you require. If you choose to have your documents posted, we will also email an electronic copy of the documents if an email address is provided. The costs are show below:


Verification Letters & Forms to be sent via email only - £15

Verification Letters & Forms to be sent via UK 2nd class post - £20

Verification Letters & Forms to be sent via DHL - £30

Email only
UK 2nd Class Post

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